Route 6

Rows of vines alternates with extensive olive graves will be a constant feature of the landscape throughout the trail. During bicycle trip, you can catch the unique flavours will win you over like a typical Abruzzo olive called “Gentile” and an excellent Pecorino wine to sip with the crew. A marvellous cycling-path between medieval villages […]

Route 5

From the land of honey “Tornareccio” to the open-air masterpieces, there’s a great deal to explore on two wheels. Tasting honey help you buzz through a ride and keep up the pace to climb a stretch of Megalithic Walls and discover the typical shepherd’s huts by bike. Here is a wealth of trails to boost […]

Route 4

A ride through the history of Medieval monks and how medicinal herbs have been handed down from long ago. A monastery’s infirmary herb garden grew specialist plants that were used in medieval medicine to help the body heal itself and are still used, nowdays, to make infusions, tea or liquors. Some of plant species found […]

Route 3

The ideal place for plunging into unspoilt nature with stunning views and a protected seashore area “Torre del Cerrano” to ensure the conservation of living acquatic resources. “Torre del Cerrano” , the ancient fortress, was built by Carlo V against the raids of Saracen pirates. There’s an attractive place for all biker lovers who want […]

Route 2

When the road climbs, you cannot hide! A fairly challenging route which however reward you of the effort by bringing you to the mountains towards Rocca Calascio, the highest fortress in the Apennines. Set at 1500 metres of altitude, the Rock has been the production site of several films such as The Name of the […]

Route 1

Breathtaking view by bike along the famous “Costa dei Trabocchi” with its wooden cabin and “arms” stretch towards the sea which connect the mainland by wooden bridges. One time, the “Trabocchi” were sea fishing machines, narrated by D’annunzio in his works, which were used to feed many fishermen families. An enchanting place with its quite […]